
How to get APPROVED BY ADSENSE easily

oday favourite PPC (Paid per click) is Google Adsense, because of the increase in new people wanted to joint Adsense, the rules become more complicated. Now, i want to share how to get approved by Google Adsense easily.

This trick high success rate, many bloggers are using this trick and successful, but many who do not know how. For you who dont know how, you are lucky found this article, coz this day you will get your adsense account soon. . .

This is how to do this trick.

Using docstoc | Docstoc is Google team or friend sites of Google, so this why percentage accepted bigger. Apart fromthe usual tricks used in this way, this trick is good ones to try.

Follow this step's =
  1. Apply for account in
  2. Upload about 7-10 document's
  3. Make sure that
    • You not used banned e-mail account
    • If been banned before, use another address and different name than the banned one
    • If still rejected, use different ip. Try using proxy trick.
  4. After upload document's, apply for adsense account at
  5. Wait about 7-8 Hour's
And enjoy your new adsense account. Fell free to leave a comment here.